Hombres ejercitándose en máquinas de remo supervisados por el entrenador

Discover what type of machine to choose to achieve your goal



Your ideal fitness machine

On many occasions when we go to a gym we feel overwhelmed by the number of machines available without knowing very well which one to shoot for.

The truth is that in recent years the number of fitness machines has grown exponentially and although having a variety when choosing is undoubtedly an advantage, sometimes it is also something that can go against us, especially if we are not experts. in the sector.

Machines with connectivity , different variants of the same model, etc. they can make even the most experienced start to wonder which machines they should use. The first thing is to be clear about our objective and since we know that this is not as easy as it seems, we bring you this new test!

Fill out this little test and…

Find out which machine will help you achieve your goal!

Find out which machine will help you achieve your goal!

And if after doing so you still have doubts about which machine is the most appropriate, do not hesitate, at Sportech Fitness we are experts in fitness machinery of all kinds, offering personalized advice to each of our clients.

Contact us!

Still not clear? Don't worry, contact our experts for free advice.

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Hola Regina!

Antes de nada, es importante destacar que antes de comenzar cualquier programa de ejercicio, especialmente si se tienen condiciones médicas preexistentes, es recomendable consultar con un profesional de la salud.

Dicho esto, creo que una elíptica puede ser la mejor opción ya que tiende a ser más suave con las articulaciones que las bicis o las cintas de correr, a la vez que proporciona un buen ejercicio cardiovascular.

Otra buena opción son las máquinas de pesas siempre y cuando la técnica del ejercicio sea correcta y se usen cargas ligeras.

Si quieres llámanos o escríbenos un Whatsapp al 944046060 te aclaramos todas las dudas y ayudamos a escoger la mejor opción.

Un saludo!


Tengo 61 años, deseo eliminar célulitis, flacidez y tonificar músculos

Regina Mijangos

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